Monday, July 31, 2006

T minus 24 hours...

Welcome to the launch of my blog. Let me introduce myself.

I'm Sylvia. *waves frantically* In the next 24 hours, I'll be embarking on my trip to Europe for 23 days - some of it is with a tour, some of it on my own, with my HS buddy, Mr. Alan Ngo. I've packed my bags last night (after much resistance to my mother's constant nagging.) and armed myself with some cash and some loosely scratched notes about what to do and where to go.

Right now, I'm a nervous wreck. Why? Because I've just realized starting this blog may be a futile effort. Perhaps, I would be fabulously enjoying life and the scene such that I won't have timeto gawk at a computer monitor for no more than 5 minutes, just to check my email to make sure Harvard hasn't rejected me for forgetting to turn in some forms. So forgive me if I don't blog for a few days, because frankly, I may be having way too much fun. Actually, the more likely case would be me being broke after having my wallet stolen and trying VERY hard to speak french know, with an accent of bitchiness.

What are my goals for this trip? Here's a list:
1) Get sick to my stomach from all the museums and architecture.
This is where AP Art History would have been helpful.
2) Drinking fine French and Italian wine.
Alright, cheap French and Italian wine
3) Eat lots of delicious desserts.
Can legit Italian gelato beat the Mondo Gelato food-gasm? How will French Creme Brulee fare against the $4.95 version I get at Whole Foods?
4) Acclimate to Eurotrash music
"Eet's a no no, but you like it..." Yeah, can't help it.
5) Not get ripped off
Chances are this, this goal will probably crash and burn miserably. I'm a sucker for useless souvenirs.

Meanwhile, I'm off to Target to find myself some quality reading material!