Hi Everyone tonight's my last night in London and I have to say that I've done a lot. Let's get right to it. Oh yeah, I've also added the pictures to the last post, as promised.
1. Tower of London
Tacky tourist site, but it's really fun. Some great British humor over blood and bowels. Please do not mind the contrast. I don't have a photo-editing suite here to make it brighter.
2. British Museum
Another tacky tourist site. Went a bit late in the afternoon. The day before, I said I wasn't impressed by a lot of the things that I say. The BritMus is a 180 from it. I am so incredibly impressed by the works presented. I took the audiotour for the Parthenon exhibit. One problem that I have with museum visits, especially ones more of the archaelogical nature, is that I don't have much knowledge of history and significance. This makes it difficult to appreciate a lot of the pieces. Thankfully with this audiotour, they gave a lot of detail in terms of what to look for in the Elgin marbles, how it may be understood and significance of the artistic composition. Altogether, I found a great appreciation for the delicate quality and thought that artist (whoever he may be) had put into these marbles. More remarkable is the craftsmanship.
Here's my favorite piece. I love the movement that it captures, as well as the soft quality of the drapery that rests on top of the body. It's amazing how flowy the drapery look, considering this is freaking made of marble. Anyhow, well worth your £3.50.
Also went back to see the Chinese exhibit. Alan wanted to go on one of their free themed guided tours. He picked the Medieval Europe. Really great talk. The guide highlighted many pieces that showed the decline of Roman Paganism and the subsequent rise of Christianity and the melding of these styles. My personal favorite was a thing called the Tring Tiles. These tiles depicted the non-gospel (?) myth of Christ as a boy. It showed Christ being a mischievous boy that used his powers for good and bad. The guide made it sound academic by saying that it showed the divinity and humanity of Christ. I don't buy it. I prefer that the interpretation that Jesus just want to have fun. (Sing it, baby!)
3. Clubbing at Leicester Square
I'm less than a mile from SoHo and Leicester Sq. So I went to a club last night with a Korean girl that I met at the Hostel. Here's what I've learned
1) Pick a line. Something catchy like "I gonna call you a bitch" (Guys, this IS a real song) or " It's a great night to dance, a great night to have fun" would do.
2) Pick a beat, something about 100 beats per minute. Add on a tacky melody
3) Repeat line on beat 50+ times
4) Build melody up to crescendo
5) Stop all music all of sudden. Will need to make everyone stop dancing and stand awkwardly.
6) Bring beat and melody up again and get everyone in a frenzy.
There you have it. Make sure when you write you great hit, you give me due credit.
4. The Producers at West End
Caught "The Producers" on matinee. Loved it so much that I caught myself singing "Springtime for Hitler" aftewards. The movie was great, but the musical had so much more energy. Definitely a fun way to spend the afternoon. Oh yeah, nearby Convent Gardens is a great place to hang out too. If anyone has seen the movie, it's just like it, only some more quips that get you literally ROFL.
5. H&M shopping
Even though I'm pushing on time, I found myself an H&M and I'm in heaven. I spend maybe about 3 minutes in most stores. They're usually too expensive or the clothes arent interesting. Neither is the case for H&M. They're doing a more retro-60s look. Basically a line inspired by Twiggy. Anyhow, I overspent on the London portion of the trip because of it.
That's it for now! London has been great. Tomorrow, I'm heading to PARIS, FRANCE!
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