Thursday, February 22, 2007

Wozzeck Connection

One of my favorite operas is Wozzeck. It's NOT a pretty opera like La Boheme or La Traviata, but content-wise, it holds a mirror to modern day society. In short, it's about this soldier in the army that's not too smart. He has a wife, but has trouble making ends meet. The opera is about his downward spiral, as he is a victim of societal constraints. His wife cheats on him with another officer. Unable to handle this, he kills her and falls into madness.

There is a scientist character in this opera. Wozzeck is his volunteer test subject. Basically this guy collects urine. In the end of the opera, he holds up a jar of Wozzeck's urine and scream to the world that it's his big breakthrough.

So what's up with this long story about Wozzeck? Basically I've turned into this Scientist. I'm happy when I'm able to collect mouse urine.

Sad isn't it?


Sharona said...

Hmm...I think that might too weird of an opera for me. But operas are so fun, even if they're weird. I get to feel all cultured and smart when I go to them. Don't you? =)

Sylvia said...

Sharon, I took the class so I can eventually talk opera at a cocktail party. The cocktail party hasn't happened yet, but I've had 2 convos about opera already :-)