Monday, April 30, 2007

Procrastination Entry: Bands that I wished I can see live

Once again, I've resumed my normal position in front of my laptop. Of course, I have work to do. But am i doing it? Partially. For me, any attempt at workis always coupled to regularly interrupting procrastination.

So what kind of procrastinating have I done so far, you ask? Well. I've already checked my email 5 times in the past hour. Yes, all 4 accounts! My usual gossip blogs have not updated since I've last checked. Plus, Matt Drudge has nothing interesting posted either. I did one set of crunches on my newly inflated exercise ball. After that, I decided that my purple AE tshirt doesn't look too good with my khaki skirt, but is amazing with my denim skirt. Plus, I really need some new flats because ragged old running shoes aren't too flattering with a cute tshirt, mini skirt ensemble.

Now that all these avenues of time-wasting have been exhausted, I'm ready to talk to you, my loyal readers. Yes, all three of you.

I'm going to share with you several bands that I would like to see live, but probably won't get the chance to. (Don't you feel lucky!)

1) Garbage

Garbage had some success in the mid-late 90s with songs such as Special, When I Grow Up, and Stupid Girl. Despite commercial success with their first two albums (Garbage and Version 2.0), their other two albums fail to reach much of an audience. Their albums are generally of the same vein - highly produced, guitar-driven rock songs largely powered by the awesomely haunting voice of its lead singer, Shirley Manson. The exception lies in their third album, Beautiful Garbage, which mixed it up a bit. Still the same emotionally tumultous, angst-ridden lyrics, but with a slightly more pop sound. Their last album, Bleed Like Me, marks a return their tried-and-true roots.

I got the chance to see them two summers ago at San Diego's Street Scene. It was amazing. I'd love to see them again, but I don't think it's happening. The band are on hiatus. Shirley's also recording a solo album.

2) Save Ferris

Again, another 90s band. Again, with a female lead singer. Save Ferris was a pretty popular Ska band headed up by Monique Powell. They're probably best known for Goodbye and their cover of Come On Eileen. With an energetic sound and even better vocals, Save Ferris produced two albums. Both albums are tons of fun to listen and sing to. For crying out loud, they have an entire song dedicated to spam! Of course, one of the real gems is the very low-key Let Me In.

I know people who have seen them play at a KROQ show at the Santa Anita Racetracks back at home. I personally have not. Unfortunately, the band has broken up. I think Monique has some side projects still, but I'm not too sure.


Travis was the next IT band from the UK. That was until they were usurped a year later by Coldplay. Regardless, they have some really mellow songs, somewhere between Blur (minus song 2), Wilco, and Snow Patrol. Well written and well played. They have three albums, I think. I only have one of them, but I've listened to the other two and they're pretty much the same sound, and still good.

I don't know where they are right now. So I'm not sure if I'll ever get to see them.

4) The Wallflowers
Most people know them by their one big hit, One Headlight. I also know them by their second album, Bringing Down the Horse, and their third one (Which I can't remember the name to). I actually own their first album, which sucked. My friend was supposed to get me Bringing Down the Horse, but bought the wrong one. Oh yeah, a small claim to fame? Jakob Dylan, the hot son of Bob Dylan, head the band and he actually sounds good. Surprise, surprise!

Again, I dont know their status right now. They haven't had an album out in a while. Perhaps indefinite hiatus also?

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