I met Nobel Laureate Dr James D. Watson! Yes, THE WATSON OF WATSON AND CRICK. I had been warned of his visit ahead of time. So I ditched work to go hang out and just hover around waiting for the sighting. Raghu ushered us into his office, where Watson had been spending his day. There, he shared all these stories about other VERY famous scientists and other odd thoughts. The man is known for his outspokenness.
So sweet of Raghu to have us meet him.
Being the nerd that I am, I brought two of his books for him to sign. It wasn't that I was greedy. I just couldn't decide which was the better book. The first one, "The Double Helix" is more traditional. The other, "Genes, Girls, and Gamow" was less scientific and more about his stories after the discovery. Yeah, I got them signed. I'm happy for that, but it wasn't my original goal. I wanted an autographed Bobblehead. How sweet that would have been.
I had a World of Warcraft character named Watson. My roommate's character was named Crick. We win in life.
Go nerd dream come true!
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