Friday, June 22, 2007

My niece is better anyways

Yeah, another article to respond to.

Here's the article first.

Two-year-old 'Matilda' becomes youngest ever girl in Mensa

Her parents knew Georgia Brown was bright. After all, she could count to ten, recognised her colours and was even starting to dabble with French.

But it was only when their bubbly little two-year-old took an IQ test that her towering intellect was confirmed.

Georgia has become the youngest female member of Mensa after scoring a genius-rated IQ of 152.

This puts her in the same intellectual league, proportionate to her age, as physicist Stephen Hawking.

According to an expert in gifted children, Georgia is the brightest two-year-old she has ever met.

Parents Martin and Lucy Brown have always regarded their youngest child as a remarkably quick learner.....


The rest of the article is here if you're interested.

Alright here is my take

According to my psych AP class in HS, IQ is expressed the following way

IQ = Age of Intellectual Equivalent/Actual Age X 100.

Basically, if you're 10 years old, but is as smart as a 12-year-old, you're at an IQ of 120.

So this little girl here is as smart as a 3 year old.

So really, its' all relative. As a reminder, most 3 year olds pick their nose and eat their boogers.

My niece is smarter. She knows how to insult me where it hurts most - by telling me I'm fat. Can "Matilda" do that? I think not!

In conclusion, my niece can kick your ass. She may even double-team with my new future niece/nephew. So bring it, Matilda!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I gotta say I'm skeptical about this IQ formula...does it apply for babies below age of 1? Like if they are at 12 months 'intelligence' as a 6 month old do they have IQ of 200?