Monday, September 18, 2006

The Harvard Club

Just came back from dinnner at the Harvard Club. I feel so entitled and snobby (j/k) Anyhow, it was a really cool event. The gala was organize to facilitate interaction between PhD students and Med Students on both Cambridge and Longwood campus.

While seeing what the old boys club is a very cool experience, two things made the night great. 1) The food wasnt' shabby at all! I had prime rib and it was medium-rare the way I like it. 2) The keynote speaker, George Daley, gave a great speech. Over the last two weeks, I had been bombarded with speeches of how great this institution is, how we are the going to the be the leaders, and how we should be excited about our work and this time in our lives. Well this guy gave a pretty similar speech, but the difference is that instead of just trying to inspire us, he also made us laugh. It's definitely a great departure from all the trite speeches.

Oh yeah, we also got these spiffy business cards that has the my name

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, so excited about this one you posted it twice. :P