Friday, April 27, 2007


I bought Civilization III before returning from spring break, and have been playing it on and off ever since. Generally, I love games where there aren't quests or goals. You just move on your own pace. Games like SimCity, SimHotel, Lemonade Tycoon are generally games that I enjoy. (For whatever reason, I actually dont like The Sims. I think it's lame trying to recreate a good life for a stupid character on the computer. I rather expend that effort on making me have a life.)

Anyhow, the point of this post is to talk about how difficult Civilization is. I have yet to obtain any victory. I run into the tendency of overextending myself or not establishing my cities at places with resources.

My neighbors also hate me. They always declare war on me and I end up losing militarily. If I beef up my military, it'll drain my poor treasury. I can spend more time finding a good starting location, but that would mean other people are already taking up the land while I'm still roaming.

Long story short, The game is really hard for me right now. Perhaps I should consider a lower difficulty setting, but that would mean being lame. I'll try it a couple more times. After that, I'll start resorting to online resources.

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