Saturday, August 05, 2006

Boogers and Bowels

There's really no appropriate way to say this, but as I'm logging my trip, I should also jot down random observations.

1) The hot dogs in London are different. It's more like a big breakfast sausage. Not as good as a hebrew national, but still enjoy it. Streetside hot dog stands always hits the spot.

Warning: If you don't like farts, boogers, pooping, or any other bodily function, Skip the rest of this post.

2) I've noticed that boogers in London and are different than those in LA. My boogers in LA are usually gray, moist, and squishy. I've noticed that my boogers in London are dry and sticks to your nose hair more. You know, that kind where you pick at it, but it hurts a lot b/c it's yanking the hairs out with it? Yeah, that kind. The color is more of a black color, but does have patches of white. So there you have it.

3) Also, I'm not constipated. I've finally taken a dump in London. After eating some McVitties Digestive cookies, 2 apples, and 1 banana to help my dig. tract out! GO DUODENUM!

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