Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Fine Irish Gentleman

As I was wandering around Rome with nothing to do, I decided to stop into a museum. I had to go to the bathroom really badly and I figured museum bathrooms are safest.

Anyhow, I went to the Museo Nazionale Romano near Piazza Navona. As I was walking around, looking at the cool statues (all of them were copies of Greek statues), this older Irish gentleman told me that I should check out the marble basin in the other room. He thought I might like it. So I did and afterwards, I went back to tell him thanks for the recommendation because it was a very fine piece. Then we got into a little bit of a chat.

I found out that the Irish gentleman was a retired engineer who had worked all over the world, but had not seen much of the cities that he worked in. So now, he's going around everywhere to see all the history and art. He passionately recommended some places that I should visit, including the Villa Julia, which housed some fine Etruscan artifacts and jewelry, as well as the Ostia Antica.

It's great to talk to someone who is enthusiastic about the world and its history.


Side note: Three new gelati flavors: Zabaione, biscotto, dolce latte.

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